hudumu - Swahili for 'to serve'

Steve Duisterhof has been in the water treatment industry for more than 30 years. In 1973 his Father became a Kinetico Dealer. In 1985 Steve realized that computers were the best way to store data and organize the many moving parts of running a dealership. He built a database the company still uses today. A nearly a continual process of modernization.

In 2017 Steve met Cosmas Murunga. Cosmas, a native of Kenya, also had a passion for making highly capable software affordable for every entrepreneur in the world. No matter how big or how small. It was like the universe brought two people together with a single passion.

Cosmas is the company's technology officer and is the team leader for writing the software. Led by Steve's understanding of a dealership and Cosmas's software writing capability, the team was able to develop a uniquely powerful and affordable product specifically for the water conditioning and bottled water business. It has been tested and refined in the water treatment dealership.